The powerful potential of sports to combine the media with economic, cultural and social interaction is something that immediately comes into play when developing and designing stadiums, arenas and sports centers that truly engage the future. This future provides plentiful opportunities for business and for social and technological innovation.
In the magazine NEXT by the architects ZJA and DAY creative business partners some trends for venues of the future are addressed in regards to social and technological innovations. These include a virtual stadium and ‘phygital’ installations.
A virtual stadium
In the future, immersive virtual technology will improve further. Stadiums need to be wired for virtual spectators, who can then experience matches, concerts and atmosphere through VR products such as Hololens and Magic Leap. Innovative design and the ability to capture and process customer data become integral part of the physical venue.
Phygital installations
The digital and the physical are fused in phygital installations. Technology is made tangible, sensory, personal and intuitive in order to create a new experience. Nike’s Unlimited Stadium offers a phygital running track where up to 30 runners can take part in a virtual race against themselves.
This is one of the topics that was published in the magazine NEXT; A magazine by ZJA and DAY that was launched in July 2018 and that addresses the innovative development and design of sports and leisure venues of the future.