
Architects, engineers, researchers and inventors

ZJA is an architectural studio with an inventor's mentality. We design from the perspective of making. The structural and spatial creation, problem-solving, and design all go hand in hand for us. In the quest for the best combination of technology and aesthetics, sustainability and innovative technologies, such as parametric design, are integral parts of our design process.

Computational design

One of our founders used to joke that he was the first architect to own a computer, although that claim may be debatable. As early adopters who have continued to evolve, we confidently consider ourselves specialists in computational design.

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How do you find the right form? For us, it's a matter of searching, trying, and experimenting. Falling and getting up again. Until you've found the solution. Because, of course, a structure must remain standing! And preferably, it should be beautiful as well.

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ZJA Structural

ZJA starts considering the construction from the very first design sketches. With the establishment of ZJA-Structural, we aim to gradually integrate construction and design into the daily practice of designing.

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Sustainability is in our DNA. As architects, we are happy to contribute to a better world, both in our projects and how we operate in our office. And this has several measurable and concrete aspects.

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Discover how our projects come to life

Design process

Improving infrastructure while reinforcing ecological values

Road expansion A1/A6 Diemen – Almere Havendreef

ZJA was involved as an architect in one of the largest infrastructure projects in the Netherlands, known as the SAA project (Schiphol

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Design process

Zuidas and Amsterdam Zuid station

Zuidasdok Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, between the De Nieuwe Meer and Amstel intersections, lies the Zuidas area, on both sides of the A10 Zuid motorway, with…

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Design process

Making room for the river

Extended Waal Bridge, Nijmegen

With its 244-metre span, in 1936 the bridge over the Waal at Nijmegen was the longest arched bridge in Europe. Still today it offers a…

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Design process

Realizing more space in a monumental Railway Cathedral

Amsterdam Centraal

Modernizing, improving and future- proofing station Amsterdam Central is a complex task, and all the more complicated when you consider…

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Read our papers


Paper: Super integration

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Paper: Capital C, geometric optimization of a free-form steel gridshell towards planar quadrilateral glass units

The former Diamond Exchange building in Amsterdam, now called Capital C, is restored to its former glory and currently undergoing a major…

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